Fellow History Loving Rotarians,
At our November 30 luncheon meeting, those present witnessed a very creative and unique, if somewhat questionable, legal maneuver. Whereas Raj, our District Governor (DG), was unable to meet with us in person, visiting via ZOOM instead, and whereas special DG presentations were to be made at this luncheon meeting, and whereas a couple of our members are creative, and whereas quick-thinking action was required, Jim Anderson, acting in a legal fashion, and Mark Lascelles, acting as a DG want-to-be conspired to “officially” swear-in Mark as our DG for two minutes – long enough to carry out the required duties. It all worked out great, and DG Raj even suggested that Mark’s tour of duty should last for more than two minutes.
Those few minutes of fun reminded me of a delightful and clever legal PRANK that was carried out during a joint meeting of Anacortes and Oak Harbor Rotarians in June of 1960. The complete story is recorded in the June 17, 1960 edition of the “Anacortes Rotarian.” I’ve attached a copy of the two-page record of that meeting. The story begins midway through the first page, but, in fact, the entire report is a great read, opening a window into the topics covered in a typical 1960s Anacortes Rotary meeting. 50-year Anacortes Rotarian Paul Luvera was the bulletin editor at the time. President Ben Van Deusen and Sergeant At Arms, Earl Morgan, who by the way, was the grandfather of current member Christine Cleland-McGrath are shown in the 1960 scrapbook picture below.
At our November 30 luncheon meeting, those present witnessed a very creative and unique, if somewhat questionable, legal maneuver. Whereas Raj, our District Governor (DG), was unable to meet with us in person, visiting via ZOOM instead, and whereas special DG presentations were to be made at this luncheon meeting, and whereas a couple of our members are creative, and whereas quick-thinking action was required, Jim Anderson, acting in a legal fashion, and Mark Lascelles, acting as a DG want-to-be conspired to “officially” swear-in Mark as our DG for two minutes – long enough to carry out the required duties. It all worked out great, and DG Raj even suggested that Mark’s tour of duty should last for more than two minutes.
Those few minutes of fun reminded me of a delightful and clever legal PRANK that was carried out during a joint meeting of Anacortes and Oak Harbor Rotarians in June of 1960. The complete story is recorded in the June 17, 1960 edition of the “Anacortes Rotarian.” I’ve attached a copy of the two-page record of that meeting. The story begins midway through the first page, but, in fact, the entire report is a great read, opening a window into the topics covered in a typical 1960s Anacortes Rotary meeting. 50-year Anacortes Rotarian Paul Luvera was the bulletin editor at the time. President Ben Van Deusen and Sergeant At Arms, Earl Morgan, who by the way, was the grandfather of current member Christine Cleland-McGrath are shown in the 1960 scrapbook picture below.

President Ben Van Deusen (cello) and Sergeant At Arms, Earl Morgan (violin), who by the way, was the grandfather of current member Christine Cleland-McGrath.